Saturday, July 25, 2009

Email Addresses

I recently had to choose a new email address when I switched from Comcast to Verizon. I only had one or two minutes to make this extremely important decision. I didn't realize how useful it would have been to prepare in advance. I couldn't just use my previous email address because it contained my ex-married last name. I decide to go with my and Jay's initials and out last name, no luck. It was already taken. Then I thought about adding Brett's first initial because he uses the email account also. Can't just add Brett's initial because his last name isn't Tyler and he might be offended. The ending results is an email address from Hell - It doesn't fit within the spaces designated on forms, it doesn't roll off the tongue and it is just too damn long. Next decision - do I go ahead and change it, or just live with in?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Life Update - short version

Since my last post on January, I got married, my son finished middle school and my daughter has started talking and won't stop.

The Spring went by so fast, that I hardly have any idea of what happened.

Brett played baseball on a team that, frankly, sucked. I think they won one, maybe two, games to whole season. Worst of all, he did not have fun playing this year. He managed to finish middle school with the best grades he had all year. He is about 6'4" now, calls me small everytime he sees me and still leans on me at every opportunity. My favorite quote for leaning is from the tv show Big Bang Theory, "If you've got to time lean, you've got time to clean." I use it as often as I can.

Georgia is a total delight. She is funny, smart, cute as can be, usually sweet and definitely her mother's daughter. Brett calls her mini-mom. She cannot stay out of trouble for more than ten minutes and has decided to show her temper. She loves the water and plays "swimming baby" and "floating baby" in the bathtub. She learned to use a floatie at the pool yesterday and had a great time.

Married life is good. I think I have finally managed to figure out how to add a huband into the mix. Unfortunately for Jay, I think my learning curve was longer than he had hoped for. Now, if I can get workouts added back in, things will be even better.

If anyone knows how I can change the title of my blog, I would love your help!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Million Years Later

So, it maybe it hasn't been a million years since my last post, it just seems like it. Big things have been happening in our house for the past two months.

Georgia has started walking. She is girl on the go and can reach absolutely everything on any table. Her arms don't look that long, but they must stretch like the mom from The Incredibles.

Brett is gearing up for baseball season. His grades are doing better this second half of the year and he is still growing. His favorite pastime is telling the rest of the household how small we are compared to him.

Me - I am getting married. Very exciting news. Jay asked me the day after Thankgsiving and we are planning a wedding for March 28, 2009. We decided to live in my house so that Brett and Georgia will not have to switch school/daycare. At the moment we are making wedding plans, combining houses and generally running ragged.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

We're Back!!!!

I cannot believe it has been three months since my last post. I have added extra pictures to hopefully make up for the absence. A lot has happened in the past three months. For Brett -- School started, marching band practices, competitions and Friday night football games. For me -- New boyfriend (Jay) who is fabulous, five new projects at work and learning to balance all the changes from the last year. For Georgia -- playing, standing, walking around furniture, talking and just growing like a weed!!

Last night was Halloween. Georgia was a butterfly. Our tradition was modified a little this year. The Wlodawsky's went to a concert so we trick-or-treated in their neighborhood with Paige, Justin and Gabby. Gabby was the cutest ladybug ever and Justin was a very cool rock star complete with a lip ring. The night was hectic as ever - running late, fast food dinner, bloody nose, etc. It was crazy, but fun.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Picture This ...

Max, the dog, has escaped the backyard. Not only did the lawn guys leave the gate open, they also unhooked the pet fence. They may as well have put up a giant sign saying MAX - YOUR FREE, RUN! Sorry - back to the story. Max is gone, Georgia is in her jammies, the cat is not cooperating and it is thundering. I put G in her stroller, grab a leash and head out. We stop everyone we see in the neighborhood, no Max sightings. Every time I yell Max's name, Georgia yells for him too. (It was darling) I start to call friends to see if I can gather reinforcements - no one is home. Finally, I decide to head back to the house and get the car to cruise the neighborhood. I yell one more time and there he is. Max actually comes when I call him and sits when I tell him. Those of you who know Max, know this is amazing.

At this point, the thunder and lightening have stopped. I figure I will finish my walk since I haven't worked out much this week. Max, G and I head away from the house. We get about .5 mile away and it starts. Not tiny raindrops mind you, big giant raindrops! Of course, I am in my flip flops. I fix the top on the stroller to try and protect Georgia as much as possible and Max and I take off on a slow run. The dog does not understand that he should not run in front of the stroller making the trip home just that much more interesting. Anyway, we finally made it home. I took Georgia out of her stroller. She had raindrops on her face and her clothing was pretty damp. I guess she needed her raincoat which she is modeling so fabulously above. The moral we learned today is: if you are lucky enough to find your dog before it rains; go home!

To Helen who left the comments - unfortunately, I was not able to reply through the links provided. I hope you were successful!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

July Already...

I can't believe July is more than half over. The months are just flying by. We spent a week at Virginia beach with my Mom, Aunt Melinda, her granddaughter (cousin) Lindsay and family friend AJ. We had a great time. We spent a lot of time at the beach. Lindsay, Brett and AJ had a good time with their boogy boards. It was Lindsay's first time at an ocean and she was a natural. It was Georgia's first time too. She liked the pool better than the waves. She also thought the sand was tasty. I decided to be brave and try the boogy board too. All I can say is that my a** received a serious exfoliation treatment.

Everyone left on June 24th and the next day Georgia started daycare. She really likes it. She never cries when I drop her off and is usually having a great time playing with the other kids when I pick her up. The house is very quiet and G thinks she needs to make it noisy.

Brett and AJ went to Colorado with my Mom. Then Mom and Brett went to Mexico with her neighbors and their grandson. It has been a busy summer so far.

Monday, June 9, 2008

WHAT?! A New Posting

Georgia and Lorna
Georgia and Jessica
Georgia and Marnie
Georgia, Sophia and Jennifer

I know - unbelievable that I actually have a new posting. It has been forever. I can't believe it is already June. I also can't believe how much Georgia and Brett have both changed in the past two months. I thought I would list some recent firsts.

Brett's Firsts (not as many, but he is 13)
Officially became a teenager (4/10/08)
Reached 6'1" (unknown date)
Made the Freeman High School Marching Band 5/29/08)
Attended his first Hooters Bikini Contest (supervised of course) (6/1/08)

Georgia's Firsts
Two bottom teeth (3/20)
Rolled over (3/29)
First visit to ER (4/27)(will post picture when we get it from Lorna)
First hospital Stay (4/28-4/30)
First baby food (6/10/08)
First professional pictures that she smiled in (6/1)
First waived her arms to be picked up (6/6)

We are very excited for Brett and his marching band activities this Fall. Freeman High School allows rising 8th graders to try out for their marching band. Even though he will not attend Freeman in 9th grade, he asked if he could try out. They said, "yes," he tried out, he made it. HURRAY. He plays percussion meaning he has to be at every practice and, you guessed it, BAND CAMP. I cannot say it with a straight face. I am working on it. Brett's stay in Colorado will be much shorter this year. He will only be there for about six weeks.

As for his Hooters' Bikini Contest - he had a fabulous time. Our friend Troy was his chaperone. They carded Brett and put many wrist bands and x's on his hands to signal that he is not old enough to drink. He was thrilled that the bouncer thought someone might think he was old enough for a beer.

Ms. Georgia is everywhere now. She is rolling all over the place. Putting everthing she finds in her mouth. She also has started pulling my hair. It doesn't matter if my hair is up or down, she just pulls it out by the roots when she is tired and crabby.

It is the cutest thing when she waives her arms to be picked up. And, if she is waiving her arms, you better pick her up! It is not a pretty site if you happen to walk past and not act on her request.

The pictures are from Georgia's Baptism Breakfast.